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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Seals, ravens and the end of summer

Over the last few weeks the character of the island has changed.  With the exodus of many sea birds the coast and cliffs are strangely quiet – the guillemots, razorbills and puffins have long since left; now the kittiwakes and many fulmars have followed.  Out on the plateau the gull chicks have fledged, with just a few mottled brown stragglers stalking the paths, and the adults have dispersed from their colonies.  Walking over to Skomer head the low ‘cronking’ of the ravens is audible as these massive, heavy-billed birds fly acrobatically overhead, or stand broodingly on outcrops of rock, in apparently solemn consideration of the island.  Everywhere the bracken has been browned by the wind, chocolate dark in the rain, as if a fire has swept through the vegetation.  The only colour comes from splashes of yellow ragwort, and a few stands of purple loosestrife, crumpled and tired with age.  When it is dry, the seed heads of red campion rattle at the slightest touch and deep down amongst the tangle of plants the high pitched squeaking of shrews can be heard.

Much of the interest now is at sea – crossing Jack Sound on the Dale Princess yesterday Sarah spotted a sunfish – these can grow to two or three metres in length, and cruise close to the surface, one fin lazily waving above the water.  Many porpoise and common dolphins have been seen out in St Brides, gathering where the gannets circle and dive for shoals of fish, sometimes acrobatically bursting from the sea as they hunt or play.  There are many seals too, gathering on the beaches to pup, the cows watched over by large, territorial males which coral them close to the shore, waiting for their chance to mate (two weeks after pupping, the females are ready to breed again).

With Phil and Lewis, I joined Dave on one of his survey rounds.  Each year he records the breeding success of the seals, using spray paint to mark new pups, and then following them through to their first moult.  The job involves climbing precariously down to the secluded shingle beaches and dark caves where the pups lie amongst the rocks.  Some of the caves are deep, cutting in under the island in dark, sharp edged crevices with dripping walls, around which the sound of breakers on the shore outside echoes loudly.  Out at the far end of The Neck several of these caves have pierced right through a headland, forming The Lantern, named because of the shape of the mouth of the arch.  At low tide you can scramble into this high, narrow aperture, scrambling over mounded shingle and then wading deep through a pool left by the receding tide, to stand in the dark with a vault of rock high above, and tall windows of light from the cave mouths to the north, south and east.  We found a couple of seals there, lying on the pebbles in a dark recess, hissing and growling at our approach.  We left them alone – they had no pups with them – and as we left we heard them heavily lumbering over the shingle towards another exit.  They can move surprisingly fast despite their bulk, and it can be a little unnerving to hear their heavy advance without being able to see which way they are heading.

It is a windswept, cloud broken morning as I write, and before I settle down to a variety of computer based tasks I will head out to the coast to see what birds have been blown in from the sea and to look for cetaceans in the rough waters of St Brides Bay.

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